ANDREW L. WILSON'S writing has appeared in about twenty-five 'zines, magazines and anthologies in the United States, Europe, and Japan. It has been described as "so romantic! pure poetry!"; "beguiling, attractive, pregnant and mysterious"; "energetic storytelling"; "moving and complex"; "tight and clean"; "marvelous . . . so solid, so clear, so sharp-edged"; "lyrical and intense . . . This is one of the best first novels I've read in a long time, and I feel certain I will see it soon in bookstores"; "wildly sexy"; "Biblically infused . . . packs a lyrically graphic punch"; "boldly and singlehandedly breaks through the stagnation of most contemporary fiction-writing"; "one of the best novels I have ever read" &c. He once edited Linnaean Street: A Web Literary Journal. He now lives in the vast cold rainy Pacific Northwest, where he scrabbles together a bare living as a writer and editor & plays the Zen bamboo flute.
"I write. I try in my writing to be clear and simple and above all to give real emotion. This requires naked experiencing or, in a sense, dreaming my way wide-awake through everything I write. Through fiction you can live a life you haven't ever lived and this is more important than plot, concept, or story -- just vivid moments, intense sensations, and a muted emotional pulsation running underneath the words like the throbbing of Pablo Casals' cello."